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Requirements with workaround

Use pnpm and set packageManager in package.json correctly

So that GitHub Action can set up pnpm correctly. You can also manually setup the pnpm version in the GitHub Action workflow file.

Use Conventional Commits and follow Semantic Versioning

So that it can provide recommended version in CI. It’s OK to not follow this rule if you manually decide the next version and disable GitHub release.

What it does

Disable built-in npm, version plugins

  1. code and idea from conventional-changelog
  2. Support preMajor option.

Use bumpp for the next version locally

Bump all packages to the new version

Run pnpm -r publish --access public --no-git-checks

  1. pnpm publish
  2. Appendix --tag {tag} if it’s a pre-release.

Generate changelog locally if needed

Run changelogithub for GitHub release if needed

  1. It will read GitHub token from GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable or gh auth token output.
Last updated on